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FOO Requirements#

Ontology Requirements Specification Document (ORSD)#


The Forest Observatory Ontology (FOO) aims to describe digital wildlife data generated by sensors. The primary purpose is to backbone the Forest Observatory. In other words, a linked datastore that allows unified access to heterogeneous wildlife data and enables standardised data exchange between different computer software.


The Internet of Things (IoT) and Wildlife make up the evolving scope of FOO. It combines ontological resources from Sensor Observation Sample and Actuation (SOSA) and BBC wildlife Ontology (WO).

Implementation Language#

The Web Ontology Language (OWL2) is used to implement FOO.

Intended End-Users#

  • Bio-Scientists.

  • Wildlife Researchers.

  • Computer Scientists. -Data Scientists.

Intended Uses#

  • To build a linked datastore that semantically integrates different kinds of wildlife data.

  • For reasoning, that is, infers new events from data.

Non-Functional Requirements#

  • FOO must include IoT elements, such as sensors.

  • FOO must include wildlife concepts, such as Taxon Rank.

  • FOO must contain the relationship between the IoT and wildlife concepts.

Functional Requirements#

  • 106 curated competency questions (CQs), see table 1 and 2.

  • 10 Natural Language Statements (NLSs), see table 3.