RDF Mapping Language Generic Code
RDF Mapping Language Generic Code#
from rdflib import Graph, plugin
from rdflib.parser import Parser
from rdflib import URIRef, Literal, Graph, RDF, Namespace
# Set the paths to your CSV file and the ontology file
csv_file = "data.csv" # Replace with the data source
ontology_file = "ontology.ttl" # Replace with the ontology
# Create an RDF graph
graph = Graph()
# Load the ontology into the graph
graph.parse(source=ontology_file, format="ttl")
# Set the namespace for your ontology
namespace = Namespace("")
# ... (RML mapping code)
# Iterate over the CSV file and map the data to RDF triples
with open(csv_file, 'r') as file:
# Skip the header row if present
for line in file:
# Split the CSV line into columns
columns = line.strip().split(',')
# Extract column values (modify as per your CSV structure)
column1 = columns[0]
column2 = columns[1]
# Create subject URI
subject_uri = URIRef(namespace + column1)
# Add triples to the graph
graph.add((subject_uri, RDF.type, namespace.YourClass)) # Replace with the appropriate class from your ontology
graph.add((subject_uri, namespace.property1, Literal(column2))) # Replace with the appropriate predicate from your ontology
# Save the resulting knowledge graph to a file
output_file = "output.rdf"
graph.serialize(destination=output_file, format="ttl")